Helping hand for Maidstone’s 1st Vinters Rainbows
In lieu of sending a Christmas card this year, we have made a donation to the 1st Vinters Rainbows to help fund the cost of resources needed to run the new Girl Guiding Programme.
Girl Guiding UK have launched a new programme for each section within Guiding; Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers. The idea of the new programme is to layer knowledge and skills within each section of Guiding. The new programme divides into six themes, each one designed to give the girls a chance to develop into independent and confident young women.
One of the themes for example is “Take action”. Under this heading, a Rainbow could learn story-telling skills to a small group. As a Brownie, she would add to that knowledge and undertake role-play. In Guides, she would be able to take it further and learn public speaking skills, and by the time, she is a Ranger, she could be using those skills to lobby parliament or local council.
To offer the new programme, the group needed to buy new books, bags, badges and programme material, costing £360.
Jacqueline Beadle, Associate at Gullands and leader of the Rainbows comments: “I am looking forward to encouraging the girls in my Rainbow unit to take part in the new programme and I am grateful for the support of Gullands to enable us to deliver this. We faced increased costs last term with the hall fees going up along with the cost of the insurance. Money is tight for our group and our only source of income is from the subscriptions from the parents. This donation gives us a fantastic head start and I hope the girls will enjoy participating in this programme as it will give them skills that they will find useful throughout their school and adult life.”