Andrew Clarke

Andrew Clarke is a solicitor and Associate at Gullands. He has advised on health & safety and regulatory crime since 1994 and acts for both claimants and defendants in personal injury and industrial disease claims.  Andrew deals with coroner’s inquests and other litigation.

Practice Areas

Health & Safety and Regulatory

Andrew has dealt with numerous fatal and serious injury cases, advising clients immediately following an incident, interviews under caution, on disclosure and tactics and representing clients where cases proceed to court. Example health & safety cases include:-

  • A specialist contractor sentenced in the Crown Court over missing steps in a moving escalator.
  • Representing a food business prosecuted by the local council under food hygiene legislation.
  • Post incident advice following cable strike incident.
  • An electrocution incident to groundsmen preparing a new playing field.  Representation in the magistrates’ court on a guilty plea.
  • A facilities management company following a fall from height by a subcontractor’s employee on their customer’s premises (a well known multinational). Following a prepared statement and representations HSE took no action.
  • HSE investigation into electrocution involving an air conditioning unit, including representation at inquest.
  • Advising on fatal fall at a construction site throughout HSE investigation, at the coroner’s inquest and on sentencing in the Crown Court .

Andrew advises in other regulatory areas such as environmental, food safety, care, data protection and trading standards. He advises clients on compliance issues and risk management, health & safety aspects of commercial transactions and contracts and responding to formal Notices and Warnings.

Andrew gives presentations on risk management topics to employers in sectors ranging from construction and road haulage to healthcare and care homes.

He prepared the written material for a mock civil trial for South East IOSH, in which he appeared as the Claimant’s solicitor and gave delegates a risk management presentation on effective handling of civil claims.

Personal Injury and Dispute Resolution

Andrew has over twenty years experience of personal injury claims, particularly workplace accidents, psychiatric injury and fatal claims. He has a particular interest in asbestos disease claims and was interviewed on BBC Radio Kent on a proposed claims protocol affecting mesothelioma victims.

Andrew undertakes a variety of other litigation such as disputes over supply of goods and services, contractual disputes and property damage claims.  He enjoys representing clients at mediations and in settlement meetings.


Prior to joining Gullands Andrew represented paramedics and ambulance crew at coroner’s inquests. He represents businesses and individuals called to give evidence at inquests after fatal workplace incidents and RTAs.

Andrew also advises and represents bereaved family members through the inquest process.

Professional Regulation and Disciplinary

Andrew assists Gullands head of regulatory John Roberts representing healthcare professionals in their disciplinary tribunals.


Andrew is a member of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) and the Health & Safety Lawyers’ Association (HSLA)