Shaun the Sheep selfie competition
Reward time!
Do you fancy winning one of four £50 vouchers to be used at one of our favourite restaurants in Maidstone town centre – Frederic Cafe, La Villetta, Mu Mu?
To enter simply take a selfie with the Gullands’ Shaun the Sheep when you find it on the trail this summer and email it to shaun@gullands.com
Terms & conditions
- Entrants must be aged 18 or over and must provide their name, address and a daytime contact number with their entry.
- Competition opens at 8am on 29th June 2024 and all entries must be received by email by 8pm on 15th September 2024. Entries received after this date will not be included in the draw.
- Four winners will be picked randomly from all entries received and can choose which restaurant they would like the voucher for.
- The winners will be informed of their win by email on 16th September 2024 and we will also post the name of the winners on Gullands’ Facebook and Twitter pages.
- The winner will be sent a voucher by recorded delivery mail to be used at either Frederic Cafe, La Villetta, Mu Mu subject to their own terms & conditions.
- No cash or alternative prize is offered.
- The voucher must be used in full by the winner before 30 November 2024 and it is not transferable to anyone else.