Mediation success in family disputes
The breakdown of a relationship does not have to be acrimonious or end up in a court room and the Collaborative process we offer here at Gullands enables the couple to finalise the details of their split via face-to-face discussions in a series of four-way meetings.
These meetings are attended by the separating couple, each supported by their own Collaborative lawyer. The parties and their lawyers work together, with the lawyers providing support and advice, with the aim of facilitating an amicable settlement to whatever issues are facing the couple. It can be a very successful way of resolving issues concerning children and finances.
The process begins with all four parties signing a Participation Agreement to commit to the process and agreeing that all discussion takes place at the meetings, in a spirit of openness.
Collaborative law is very different to the typical legal process as it reduces hostility and encourages communication. Other benefits are that:
Working together enables the best outcome to be reached for the whole family.
People tend to maintain a better, ongoing relationship with their ex-partner which is especially useful where children are involved. It can be faster to identify and resolve issues.
It is a much cheaper way of resolving issues compared to going to court.
You are guided by an experienced family solicitor.
Julie Hobson, Partner at Gullands Solicitors is a Resolution Collaborative Solicitor and will work with you to help achieve the best outcome for you and your family. Free initial telephone consultation offered, and evening appointments are available, email matrimonial@gullands.com