Miscarriage support in the workplace should be increased
Miscarriage support in the workplace should be increased
Workplace support for employees who have been impacted by a miscarriage should be increased according to The Miscarriage Association, and it would also like to see employers themselves taking further steps to offer support, where it says the current legislation doesn’t go far enough.
The current legislation does not provide any statutory entitlement to paid leave for the parents of a baby which is lost before the 24th week of pregnancy. After 24 weeks, the loss of a baby is legally recognised as a stillbirth and mothers are entitled to full maternity leave. In addition to this, both parents are allowed two weeks of Parental Bereavement Leave.
Businesses are being encouraged to take the Pregnancy Loss Pledge, to ensure all of their employees are supported. This includes creating a supportive work environment, understanding and implementing the rules around pregnancy-related leave and having a policy or guidance to support the parents and to help them get back into work.
There is already protection under pregnancy-related employment legislation where an employee is absent for a miscarriage, so it cannot be used against them and must be recorded separately to general sickness.
To prevent employees feeling rushed into returning to work too quickly, a supportive and open environment in the workplace can help. This is clearly an upsetting and stressful time for many parents and employers should take the time to consider if the policies they have in place go far enough. More information and resources can be found at https://www.miscarriageassociation.org.uk/information/miscarriage-and-the-workplace/the-pregnancy-loss-pledge/
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Amanda Finn is a partner at Gullands Solicitors and can be contacted at a.finn@gullands.com