
  • October 3, 2018

    Age Discrimination in recruitment

    Age discrimination is unlawful in the UK. Many employers however have not considered the fact that discrimination issues can arise before the employment relationship starts. It is a good idea to consider your recruitment process and look at the following issues.      –  Part one: personal details including career and educational history. This is detached by HR […]

  • October 3, 2018

    Maternity Myths

    One of the most confusing areas of law both for employer and employee are the rights under the maternity legislation. Nothing can beat getting information at the earliest opportunity from a reliable source. The following however are some of the most common misconceptions. Can an employer contact an employee whilst she is on maternity leave? […]

  • September 25, 2018

    Village landmark inspires generations of artists

    Anyone driving though the beautiful village of Sutton Valence can’t fail to notice the old chapel building, which houses the art rooms for Sutton Valence School. Now called the Gulland Hall, its future looked bleak until it was bought by Old Suttonian Blair Gulland and his wife Tikki in 1976. At the time, the young couple bought […]

  • June 25, 2018

    Dress codes and sex discrimination a guide for employers

    The Government has published new guidance (May 2018) for employers who set dress codes in the workplace and job applicants who may have to abide by them. The guidance has been published following a recommendation from the Parliamentary Women and Equalities Select Committee and the Petitions Committee. It sets out how the law might apply […]

  • May 24, 2018

    Does Health & Safety legislation apply to Volunteers?

    It depends. If the volunteer was working for a business or voluntary body which had any employed staff, the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 (HSWA) would apply and the answer to the question would be yes. If a volunteer was injured in an accident and there was a prosecution, it would be brought […]

  • May 24, 2018

    A Century Of Coal Film Premiere

    A new film about the history of the Kent coalfield by local film maker Peter Williams is being shown across Kent and Gullands is delighted to be supporting one of the performances. The Kent coalfield is unique. Thousands of miners were recruited from all over industrial Britain, to dig coal, discovered by accident in the […]

  • May 17, 2018

    Charities, Trustees and the Health and Safety Status of Volunteers

    Does Health & Safety legislation apply to Volunteers? It depends. If the volunteer was working for a business or voluntary body which had any employed staff, the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 would apply and the answer to the question would be yes. If a volunteer was injured in an accident and there […]

  • March 27, 2018

    Polytunnels do not require an environmental impact assessment

    A Herefordshire farmer who wished to set up more than 50 hectares of polytunnels on his 377 hectare farm found his wishes opposed by environmental group Natural England in a case which went to the Court of Appeal. The farmer’s local council decided that an environmental impact assessment (EIA) was not required in order to grant planning […]

  • September 12, 2017

    Blair Gulland leads retirement tributes to Peter Stringer

    Blair Gulland, Chairman of Gullands and Trustee of Golding Homes led tributes at a gathering earlier this summer to mark the retirement of Peter Stringer, The chief executive of Kent based housing association Golding Homes.  Peter Stringer retires on 30 September 2017 and has been chief executive of Golding Homes since it was created in […]

  • September 12, 2017

    Voluntary Police Interviews – approach with caution

    Due to a change in the law regarding bail, the number of voluntary interviews, both at the police station and at home, is on the rise. People who may be nervous attending a police station for an interview could agree to be interviewed at home. When attending an interview at a police station, the suspect […]

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