
  • May 21, 2024

    Buying a property jointly, what should you consider?

    If you are in the lucky position to be buying a home with another person, your solicitor will ask you how the property will be owned. There are two different sorts of joint ownership, joint tenancy and tenancy in common, so how do they differ and which type will suit your situation the best? 1. […]

  • May 21, 2024

    Buying a Home – What insurance do you need when buying property?

    When you are buying a new property, it is very important to ensure that you arranged to have the right insurance in place, at the right time.   Home insurance From the moment you exchange contracts on the purchase of a property, buildings cover should be in place which covers the rebuilding cost in the […]

  • May 21, 2024

    The future is vines

    The UK’s vineyard sector is growing fast and for those thinking of setting up a vineyard business there are a number of legal considerations to take into account. Finding a suitable location Unfortunately, you can’t plant a vineyard on any piece of agricultural land. If it is in a protected location such as a National […]

  • May 19, 2024

    Q&As on holidays

    1.      How much holiday are employees entitled to? Full time workers who work a five-day week are entitled to 5.6 weeks’ or 28 days’ paid holiday leave each year. 2.      What about part time workers? The full-time rate of 28 days is reduced on a pro rata basis according to how many days worked each […]

  • April 29, 2024

    Gullands’ guide to children

    The approaching summer holidays can sometimes cause friction between separated and divorced parents and there are a number of principles which should be considered. The welfare principle: Under the Children Act, the welfare of the children is the Court’s paramount consideration and their guidance includes: Parental responsibility: This is best defined as ‘the rights, duties, […]

  • April 29, 2024

    Employing younger workers

    With it getting harder for many businesses to fill temporary and seasonal roles, some employers might be considering employing younger people in the workplace to fill the shortfall.  It is possible to employ workers in the UK from the age of 13 where limits on working time, work during term time and enhanced health & […]

  • April 29, 2024

    Conflict and managing resolution for family businesses

    Conflict in business is normal but what can make it harder to resolve is when it involves family members who are working together in the business.  This can often lead to disputes taking longer to resolve and having far wider consequences outside of the workplace. Issues can vary from tensions over money, succession, business direction, […]

  • April 16, 2024

    Succession planning for the future

    Every business owner needs to consider what will happen when the time comes for passing on their business and ensuring this transition is well planned and thought-out is important for the future success of the organisation.  It can be both a daunting and sensitive process, especially if it is a business you have built up […]

  • April 13, 2024

    Who gets the dog?

    During lockdown there has been a rise in pet ownership with many people paying thousands of pounds for ‘pandemic puppies’ to help them get through the lockdown boredom. This also means in the future there is likely to be a rise in pet custody battles if their relationship breaks down. Fuelled by reports of celebrity […]

  • April 5, 2024

    Typical life cycle of a business

    Our Commercial and Corporate team practice a wide range of business law helping you and your business at every stage of its lifecycle.  Inception On starting up a business, you need to consider whether you intend to operate as a sole trader, a traditional partnership, a limited liability partnership or a limited company. The great […]

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