Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice

As part of the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), we are required to provide certain details regarding Gullands and our Notaries, Alexander Astley and Dudley Cramp and how we collect and use your personal data; both from this website and in our day to day transactions. This is set out in more detail below.

Gullands offices are at 16 Mill Street, Maidstone, Kent ME15 6XT and 18 Stone Street Gravesend Kent. We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office ( ICO) under number ZA851439

Our Data Protection Officer can be contacted at

Your rights

At any stage if you have reason to believe that the information we are processing on you is incorrect you have the right to ask to see this information and to have it deleted. Complaints about how we have handled your personal data should be sent to the Data Protection Officer who will investigate the matter on your behalf.

If you are not completely satisfied with our response or you do not believe that we are processing your personal data in accordance with the law you can complain directly to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Obviously we need to collect some information about you in order to carry out the professional service that you have requested. However we will only collect personal data about you which is relevant to the legal matter which we are dealing with for you. This will include the likes of your name, work address, email address and job title. However we may need to include what the ICO call ‘sensitive personal data’ if it is relevant to your particular matter.

Transfer of User Data outside the User Jurisdiction

User data will not be transferred outside of the EEA unless it concerns a notarial act as detailed above.


We may provide links to third party websites for information or general interest purposes. These sites are not covered by our privacy policy and so we would urge you to look at the privacy policy of these sites.


For general viewing you are not required to log in or register for our site. However there are options available to sign up for newsletters or submit information, for which we will require some basic information. If you choose to do this please be equally aware that you may choose to unsubscribe at any time. Information pertaining to the method for unsubscribing will be available on all mailings that you receive. Alternatively you could email

Subject Access Requests

You have the right of access to personal data  you have submitted through this Site or indeed held generally by the firm. You also have the right to have this information deleted (the right to be forgotten).

Enquiries of this nature should be directed to

Changes to this policy

Gullands may need to modify or amend this statement from time to time. The effective date will be displayed at the beginning of this statement.